Monday, January 12, 2015

Back To Blog

I can't believe it has been a month since I blogged! Where does the time go ... oh, I know! The Holidays.  The week before we left town for Christmas was some real madness, but so worth it since I was able to get the holidays off. My husband,  our dog, and I traveled to my parents home in Virginia the Saturday before Christmas and got to stay through New Years.  It was a glorious (almost) two weeks filled with family time, catching up with friends, and just enjoying the season.  I still find it hard to fit everything in when I go home for a visit .. no matter how much time I get it always feels just too short.

THEN, literally the day after we got back I flew to Orlando for a work conference (Orlando in January - heck yeah!).  So needless to say, time has slipped away, but this week I am so happy to be back to blogging.  Although I am sometimes skeptical about the time I put into this blog, I have really missed it.  

So now that I've explained why I haven't been posting, I thought I'd share a few snaps that I've taken over the past month while I've been away. Enjoy!

.christmas dogs with their christmas toys.

.an impromptu new years day champagne bar.

.a new years day feast that my mom put together.

.pretty bon bons.

.berry trifle.

.fake enthusiasm for the 12 hour drive back to georgia.

 . loews portofino bay resort in orlando.

.a selfie with a very fragrant pandora crown.

.epcot at sunset.

.jax settling back into life after christmas.

I hope you had a peaceful and joyful Christmas and New Years!
xo Bridget

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